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How can I use GitLab runners to execute parallel jobs in my iOS/macOS pipeline?

To use GitLab runners to execute parallel jobs in your iOS/macOS pipeline, you can leverage the "parallel" keyword in your .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file. This allows you to split your jobs into multiple parallel instances, enabling faster execution of tasks and improving overall pipeline efficiency.

Here's an example of how you can set up parallel jobs in your iOS/macOS pipeline:

- build

stage: build
- xcodebuild -scheme YourApp -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13" build
- master

stage: build
- xcodebuild -scheme YourApp -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11" build
- master

stage: build
- xcodebuild -scheme YourApp -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=$DESTINATION" build
- DESTINATION: "iPhone 8"
- DESTINATION: "iPhone 7"
- DESTINATION: "iPhone 6"
- master

In this example, we have defined three jobs in the "build" stage: build_job, test_job, and parallel_jobs. The first two jobs run on specific iPhone simulator devices (iPhone 13 and iPhone 11), while the parallel_jobs job runs on multiple devices (iPhone 8, iPhone 7, and iPhone 6) in parallel.

The parallel keyword defines the matrix of variables that will be used to run the job in parallel. In this case, it allows the parallel_jobs job to execute on different simulator devices concurrently.

By using parallel jobs, you can distribute the workload across multiple GitLab runners, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to complete your iOS/macOS pipeline. This is especially useful for projects with a large codebase or extensive test suites.

Remember to adjust the simulator devices and any other configuration options based on your specific requirements. Additionally, ensure that your GitLab runners are properly configured to handle parallel execution to maximize the benefits of parallel jobs in your iOS/macOS pipeline.