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Locate the GitLab Instance URL and Registration Token

GitLab instance URL and registration code are required when signing up for Cloud-Runner's GitLab Runner service in order to register your runner. The methods to locate the GitLab instance URL and registration token are as follows:

Steps to Locate the GitLab Instance URL and Registration Token

  1. Access GitLab

    • Use your GitLab login information to access your GitLab account.
  2. Access the Project

    • Find the project you want to register the runner for by navigating there. To start a project, click on its name in the GitLab dashboard.
  3. Navigate to CI/CD Settings

    • Select "CI/CD" from the submenu after clicking "Settings" in the left-hand menu on the project screen.
  4. Create a Registration Token

    • Scroll down to the "Runners" section on the CI/CD settings page, and then select the "Set up a specific Runner manually" button. The registration token for your project will be displayed as a result. Keep a copy of the enrollment token in a secure place.
  5. Find the GitLab Instance URL

    • Search for the GitLab instance URL in your web browser's address window. Your GitLab instance's URL ought to be visible there. If you are unsure of the URL, go to the dashboard of your GitLab account, where the information will be shown.

You can give us this information to create your runner once you have the GitLab instance URL and registration token.