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How do I use the variables section in a pipeline as code?

The variables section in a pipeline as code allows you to define and use variables within your pipeline jobs. Variables can be used to store and reference dynamic values, such as environment-specific settings, configuration parameters, or secrets. This feature provides flexibility and reusability in your pipeline configuration.

To use the variables section in your pipeline as code, follow these steps:

Define the variables you need for your pipeline jobs. Each variable should have a unique name and a corresponding value. You can define multiple variables within the variables section.

Add the variables section to your pipeline configuration, and specify the variables using the key-value syntax. Here's an example:

MY_VARIABLE: "some_value"

In the above example, two variables are defined: MY_VARIABLE with the value "some_value" and API_KEY with the value of another variable $API_KEY_SECRET. You can use static values or reference other variables within the definition.

Within your pipeline jobs, you can reference the defined variables using the syntax $variable_name. For example, to use the MY_VARIABLE variable in a job:


In this example, the value of the MY_VARIABLE variable is echoed as part of the job's script.

Variables can also be used for more advanced scenarios, such as conditional logic or dynamic configurations. For example, you can use variables in conjunction with the rules section to conditionally execute or skip jobs based on specific conditions.

By utilizing the variables section in your pipeline as code, you can easily manage and reuse values throughout your pipeline configuration. This promotes maintainability, reusability, and consistency in your pipeline definitions.

Note that the availability and behavior of the variables section may depend on the version of GitLab you are using. Make sure to refer to the GitLab documentation or release notes for the specific version you are working with to ensure compatibility and understand any limitations or special considerations.

Using the variables section in your pipeline as code empowers you to define and use dynamic values within your pipeline jobs, enabling greater flexibility, reusability, and maintainability. It allows you to centralize your configuration and manage variables in a structured manner, making your pipeline configurations more powerful and adaptable.